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DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Add .3 grams to one gallon of water and shake well. Spore solution can be drenched into soil or applied as a foliar spray.

*One vial makes 100 liters or 25 gallons of spore concentrate.

* for increased efficacy mix with bacillus subtillus


Frequently Bought Together



Bacillus Subtillus

1 Item $34.99
2 Add-Ons $63.98
Total $98.97

Trichoderma harzianum is a beneficial soil fungus, that plays a vital role in soil health. It plays a role in nutrient cycling, especially in making phosphorus and iron more soluble for plants. This fungus produces special compounds called siderophores. These compounds bind to iron, boosting its availability and absorption by plants. Iron is a photo synthetic element crucial for chlorophyll synthesis.

Trichoderma harzianum also helps plants access phosphorus. Often, phosphorus in soil is not in a form plants can use. This fungus uses enzymes to change phosphorus into a soluble form.

By improving the availability of nutrients like phosphorus and iron, Trichoderma harzianum can improve crop vigor and yield, It enhances plant health and soil fertility. This reduces the need for chemical fertilizers. This fungus is crucial for effective nutrient cycling, iron uptake, and phosphorus solubilizing.

Additional information
Weight 0.0625 lbs
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 1 in

Vile, Case

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